Club Newsletter
January 9, 2024. After a long hiatus, our newsletter has been
revamped! From Robert Praetorius, Director of the DVRCCCA:
"The newsletter has been absent for about 13
years, and the DVR board members have made a renewed commitment
to bring it back. As we all know, the newsletter is the thread
that binds the club. We hope to bring back some club camaraderie
and automotive value to the membership. This is also a two way
dialogue, and we welcome membership participation. Maybe you
have an event and you would like some classic car representation
or help in solving a mechanical issue with your cars."
- excerpt from Director's Message, DVRCCCA Newsletter, Vol.
1 2024
Each issue will contain featured upcoming events, the regular
column Tech Talk, items of interest to our members, and featured
vendors. Issues are in PDF format. To view them you will need
a PDF reader, such as Adobe Acrobat Reader.
Do you want to receive
the newsletter in your inbox?
Send an email to Cliff Woodbury, cawoodbury3@verizon.net
requesting to be added to our email list.
Do you want to contribute?
We welcome members' participation! Send
technical tips, stories about members and/or Classic®
cars, photos related to members and their cars, events you attended,
and experiences that may be useful to others. Email them to
Cliff Woodbury, cawoodbury3@verizon.net.
Current and Back Issues
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by Kitty Katzell
Every year, CCCA distributes awards to
its regions for their achievements in eleven areas of activity.
For 2005, the Delaware Valley Region won the Judging Award for
the percentage of judges and tabulators at national events and
enrollment in accreditation programs. It also won the Membership
Award for membership stability and growth.
DVR ranked among the top ten regions for
1) the Technical Award for contributions to the technical aspects
of restoration and maintenance, 2) the Turnquist Award for large
region publications, and 3) the Grand Classic Award for percent
of participation by Classic ® owning members.
There are some areas in which DVR fared
less well, and members are urged to consider their contribution
in these areas. The Annual Meeting Award is given for the percentage
of members attending and showing Classics ®. In this area
DVR ranked 21 st of 23 regions. The CARavan Award is given in
recognition of the percentage of participation by Classic ®
owning members. DVR ranked 14 th of 17 regions. The Activities
Award recognizes activities and performance. Here DVR ranked
12 th of 23.